Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hair Loss

I cut my hair yesterday.

This in itself may not seem significant. It probably is not. It's just that my hair was past my waist in length, and over time, we grew very attached to one another.

I can be a messy eater. I do not mean to be. Often, I am quite careful. Yet somehow, I always manage to spill some food product on my shirt front. Sometimes it is because I am talking and not paying attention, sometimes it is because the food lends itself to messiness (e.g., saucy), and sometimes just because. My hair would diligently come to the rescue and hide the offending spot/drip, thus allowing me to at least leave the restaurant with my head held high.

My hair was long enough to create a whipping ponytail, so when I played tennis any time I would serve my hair would help balance me. I am sure it also looked intimidating with its whip action to my opponents.

Babies would like when I used my hair as a tickler. They would laugh and laugh. So cute.

Plus, I think I look better with longer hair. Short hair does not become me.

But, I guess it was getting heavy and a bit unwieldy. Sometimes I would slam my hair in the car door and not realize it until I had to turn my head. Sometimes I would be blinded, especially on windy days. Also, my hair would occasionally fall into my food, which my mother finds extremely disgusting ("Eeww, put your hair up when you eat!") (Also, refer to my earlier comment that I can sometimes be a messy eater).

The icing on the cake is that I was growing my hair out for a donate it to Locks of Love. They make human hair wigs for kids that need them due to cancer or other illness / treatment that causes baldness. So, Locks of Love gets 13 inches of my hair.

I guess I can be intimidating on the tennis court without my whipping ponytail and I can start carrying around those little stain-remover towelettes with me. Either that or start wearing a bib.

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